"I am suffering much, but am I suffering well? That is the point." St. Therese of Lisieux
"I realized that to become a saint one must suffer a great deal, always seek what is best, and forget oneself." St. Therese of Lisieux
The committe members of the women's conference have been praying this novena to St. Therese of Lisiuex during the planning of this year's conference for the sucess of the conference as well as personal intentions. We invite all participants to pray with us during the final 9 days leading up to the conference. We will begin the conference with the final novena prayer to St. Therese.
O Little Therese of the Child Jesus, please pick for me a rose from the heavenly gardens and send it to me as a message of love.
O Little Flower of Jesus, ask God today to grant the favors I now place with confidence in your hands..
(mention specific requests )
St. Therese, help me to always believe as you did, in God's great love for me, so that I might imitate your "Little Way" each day.
The committe members have compiled a list of shrines and outdoor stations of the cross in the New England area of saints who teach us to embrace the cross. Plan a visit to one soon!
These are reflections that inspired the conference organizers. We hope you enjoy and feel inspired yourselves.
View Reflection on Truth, Goodness, and Beauty
View Reflection on Living in the World Without Being of the World-Avoiding the Occult
View Reflection on Stabat Mater
View Reflection on Keeping the Lord's Day Holy